Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Protecting Your True Image

This week I was forwarded a link authored by a "pastor" providing advice to men; the blog is titled 10 Women Christian Men Should Not Marry.  I've provided the link below just in case you want to read it on your own.  I was initially outraged and very offended by this blog post.  I even started to craft a response to this pastor, but I took a minute and read the comments and was quickly calmed by the course correction many of the commenters made.  I appreciated the honesty and care of many of the respondents, as a pastor where is the grace and humility in this blog.  The common theme of where is the grace made me think; does this pastor understand his words marginalize women, which is not of God. 

For many years I struggled with my faith because of my lack of understanding of the bible.  How could God make me in his image and reduce me to a role that limits me?  How can He in one moment craft beautiful imagery of the Proverbs 31 who is complex and well before her time; and in the same breath, order me to be meek.  How could I be an ezer, the protector/ warrior, but only be regarded as a subservient role?  I don't get it.  Years and years of the inner battle encouraged me to listen and seek out information and not rest only on the interpretation of pastors. 

God's intention for women I believe is to provide counsel, moral character, lead, heal, and speak life into people (figuratively and literally).  If this is this case then the message this pastor has inked virtually is misguided.  Women are complex beings, who have been able throughout history to endure very limited roles and still overcome the odds.  I believe that a woman of faith is a powerful entity that goes beyond the role confined to subservience.  And I believe in order to understand God's true image for women, we cannot be viewed as only a one dimensional character.  Because if we do then we lose the power that has been entrusted into us from the beginning. 

Unfortunately, pastors like this author have a sphere of influence to continue to perpetuate an old, harmful and very cloudy view of women.  This view of a one dimensional woman does not leave room to be true ezers, which is unfortunate.  This message he preaches can diminish and extinguish the fire an ezer.  My hope is that any woman who reads this blog understands that God sees us as more than what's written in the blog, He sees us as givers of life and powerful beings. 


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